My artwork is created through a dialogue with myself.

In the process of creation, I have had many dialogues with myself.
When I do so, I realize that I have many unexpressed feelings, such as dependency, attachment, suspicion, jealousy, inferiority, superiority, fear, and insecurity.
I feel that I have been trapped and bound by many things and have worn many armors.

When I dealt with my feelings one by one and released myself like taking off my armor, my true self came out.
I really wanted to do this. I really liked this.
And when I did not deny any of my feelings and affirmed them as lovely, I felt comfortable, and every day became more enjoyable.
So, I decided to change my routine from working under deadlines to pursuing an unconstrained life.

In Japan, where I grew up, there are concepts of ‘Wabi-sabi’ and ‘Zen’. They are difficult to explain briefly.
Wabi-sabi is a term for the Japanese sense of beauty, which enjoys simplicity, quietness, asymmetry, imperfection, and blank spaces. Zen means a mind that is neither attached to anything nor swayed by anything.
Incorporating them into my life, I am filled with love and healing.

Enjoy every situation, and don’t be pessimistic!
Let go of the past, and don’t worry about the future. Carpe diem!

I would be happy if my artwork could be an inspiration to you!